Trip statistics

The overall route rises more than 10,000m cumulatively, falls an equal height and covers about 108 miles (173km) distance, but since our Garmin ran out of battery-power half way round, the following figures are only broad indicators of distance and time, using the main elevations along the path.

The table below captures our trip in outline form.

Day From, to Rough distance Height gained Height lost Time spent
Day one: Monday night Les Houches to Col du Bonhomme 19 miles 1885m 560m 8 hours 20 minutes
Day one continued: Tuesday Col du Bonhomme to Rif Maison Vieille 23 miles 1595m 1970m 10 hours 45 minutes (excl 1hr lunch & 1.5hrs rest)
Day two: Wednesday Rif Maison Vieille to Rif Elena 16 miles 1100m 985m 7 hours 30 minutes (excl 1hr lunch)
Day three: Thursday Rif Elena to Ref Le Peuty 26 miles 1645m 2355m 13 hours (excl 30mins breakfast, 1hr lunch and 1hr dinner)
Day four: Friday Ref Le Peuty to Ref La Flégère 13 miles 1575m 1030m 6 hours 30 minutes (excl 30mins breakfast & 1hr lunch)
Day five: Saturday Ref La Flégère to Les Houches 11 miles 715m 1680m 6 hours 30 minutes (excl 1hr drink / view break)

Starting at 8pm on Monday evening and finishing at 4pm on Saturday afternoon, our trip was 4 days and 20 hours in total (116 hours), of which around 53 hours was spent walking (including numerous water breaks) and 7 hours stopped for food & daytime rest.

It is instructive that, irrespective of the incline or decline of the path or the distance covered, our average speed declined during the week from 2.3mph the first night, to 2.1mph on Tuesday & Wednesday, to 2mph on Thursday & Friday and finally to 1.7mph on Saturday when I was favouring an aggravating knee injury and we no longer had the time pressure that is associated with uncertainty.

The course is marked off by time rather than distance and our 1.7mph pace was about right for the times in the Kev Reynolds guide book.